速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Nature Sounds Relax & Sleep

Nature Sounds Relax & Sleep





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Nature Sounds Relax & Sleep(圖1)-速報App

You can have “nature sounds” always with you, a free app relaxation and sleep. With “nature sound” you can fall asleep or just listen sounds of “nature”, “beach”, “rain”, “fire”, “thunder”, “waterfall”, “mountain”. “Nature Sounds Sleep and Relax” helps you fall asleep fast!

“Sleep sound” or “sound sleep” is a description given to a night’s sleep that is satisfying to the sleeper. This is a “sleep app” therapy and lucid dreaming tool to help you get a restful night's. Listen to the natural, relaxing sound of “rain fall”. Listen and “relax beautiful sounds”, is the most realistic effect with many features! Unwind from your stressful day to the “music of nature”. if you love “nature”, “beach”, “rain”, “fire”, “thunder”, “waterfall”, “mountain” or “nature sounds”, probably you will love this beautiful application.

★★★Nature Sounds Relax & Sleep contains different nature sounds:★★★

Nature Sounds Relax & Sleep(圖2)-速報App

➨12 unique Nature sounds

➨Attractive interface , you can change page with scroll

➨Beautiful nature images to go along with each sound

Nature Sounds Relax & Sleep(圖3)-速報App

➨You can enable auto scroll to change background and sound every two minutes.

➨Also you can set time to sleep - stop sound .

★★★Sound Nature List★★★

Nature Sounds Relax & Sleep(圖4)-速報App

Twelve different rain sounds with unique backgrounds:

★ Autumn Leaves

★ Mountain Winter

Nature Sounds Relax & Sleep(圖5)-速報App

★ Lake Water

★ Nature of Frogs

★ Beach Calm

Nature Sounds Relax & Sleep(圖6)-速報App

★ Sunset bird

★ Snow Winter

★ Rain on Window

Nature Sounds Relax & Sleep(圖7)-速報App

★ Tree in field

★ Waterfall

★ Fire Crackling

Nature Sounds Relax & Sleep(圖8)-速報App

★ Thunder

If you have any suggestion please contact with us in order to make this app better